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Steffen Kretz

Steffen Kretz - journalist - moderator - foredrag

Steffen Kretz is an experienced moderator at conferences and debates in Danish and English. With a mixture of sharp journalistic sense and whimsy ensures, that the event will be both relevant for the participants, entertaining and gives food for thought.

Steffen Kretz has traveled to over 100 countries and lived abroad for ten years as a correspondent in the USA and the Middle East. He met and interviewed a sea of world leaders from the dictator of Libya, Moammar Gadaffi, to the head of the Tibetans, the Dalai Lama, presidents from both the United States and Russia, business icons such as Elon Musk and Bill Gate and many others.

He has covered wars and conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, climate change from the Arctic to the Amazon, and pretty much every major event that has shaped our world in the last several years. Along the way, he has walked in the door of people on all continents to ask questions that even their closest friends didn't dare to ask: wondering, tested or just curious. All to make us Danes smarter about the world around us.

Steffen Kretz is the author of two books and is a sought-after speaker and moderator at large public events. Privately, he is the father of four children and married to another of DR's big profiles, Lillian Gjerulf Kretz.

Lecture Steffen Kretz: STORM comming

For many years, the Reffitt family in Texas was an "all-American" nuclear family with classic values and strong togetherness. But then something happened. The father became a political extremist, the son reported him to the FBI after the storm in Congress, and now the family is as divided as the rest of America. It came as a shock to the tight-knit family, that extremism and armed rebellion against the government grew out of their detached house in a sleepy suburban neighborhood. That their kitchen was turned into a political battleground.

In the same way, it has surprised many Americans, that democracy in the United States has turned out to be surprisingly fragile. That their nation is now balancing on a knife edge and must choose between freedom and minority tyranny.

How did America end up here? A nation that once stood together for common values is today divided as never before. DR's long-standing US correspondent Steffen Kretz has traveled to all parts of the country and back in history to find the answer to the biggest political question of our time. Because the fate of the United States is also ours, and the crisis of democracy is a shared responsibility.

“From the time I first moved to the United States in 1991 and until today, I have never seen Americans so in doubt about their position as now. Both in relation to each other and in relation to the rest of the world. In many ways, it feels as if the foundations of the world's only superpower are shaking and threatening to collapse. It feels as if a storm is coming," says Steffen Kretz.

Steffen Kretz is an experienced moderator at conferences and debates in Danish and English. But a mixture of sharp journalistic sense and whimsy ensures that the event will be both relevant for the participants, entertaining and gives food for thought.

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Slåenvej 3

6600 Vejen

​CVR: 26454867

Telefon: 29 86 34 40

