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Reimer Bo

Bestil Reimer Bo - medie-personlighed - ordstyrer

Moderator / Presenter

Reimer Bo is often used as a moderator or master of ceremonies at major events. He also controls the political consultations, annual meetings, thematic events and debates and political consultations, annual meetings, themed events or debates. And business conferences, kick-off events or dialogues between management and employees of major Danish companies.

Reimer Bo is also often talk show host and debate moderator at events where the concept is developed for the specific occasion.

Reimer Bo Christensen lectures:

Lectures 1. Getting started in the shop

We all want to work in a place where there is progress. The decisive factor for a company increases sales, efficiency and development is short and sweet: Enthusiasm. And it can not be bought with money. It comes from within. And enthusiasts do not go after a fourth place. Reimer Bo has five tips on how your workplace and business can move up in the field. Council, based on his own experience from several companies. Both as a manager and as a shop steward. You can make a difference. Perhaps by focusing on what succeed - error to find five errors. And so is doing it does not matter that it's fun to go to work

Lecture 2. What was it you wanted to say?

We all know the situation: Suddenly we caught. We saw it coming. Another man gets over. And we are wordless. And may go crestfallen home. How should it go next time. The trick is thorough preparation. Game situations through your own inner movie screen before you go to the negotiation starts a sale, tell the truth to an employee or a boss - or looking for a new job. Or maybe it's your partner or spouse who would do well to experience the new you. How to burn through? And how do you prepare. A performance can come out of thin air on a good day. But luck is not enough to create a career and a business and a good life.

Reimer Bo has a life experiences with TV, radio and newspapers. A personal and entertaining lectures

Lecture 3. Of chaos arises good TV program

What happens behind the screen up to and during a TV newspaper or an election broadcast. How can an interview with a man, the reporter never met before run so quietly that occur breaks. A lecture about media and people. In front of and behind the screen. About spin doctors, politicians and God pardoned cabinet necks. Meet the journalist who made the TV Avis, discussion programs, interviews and talk shows.

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Slåenvej 3

6600 Vejen

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